Fleet Defensive Driving Course Registration

Single Fleet Defensive Driving Course Registration is available for some of our Fleet Defensive Driving Training programs!

SAFER Driver™ Challenge Fleet Training Program

An online defensive driving program is the simplest and most cost effective way of reducing your risk of a serious employee injury and liability claim. The SAFER Driver™ Challenge Fleet Training Program is a comprehensive commercial driving program that will help to ensure the safety and efficiency of your fleet.

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The CDL Refresher Course is a Commercial Driver Safety Training Program that is comprehensive and behavioral-based for the commercial driver. Commercial drivers are considered professionals who have met greater requirements and standards than drivers with other types of licenses.

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Van & High Profile Vehicle Driver Training Program

The Van & High Profile Vehicle Driver Training Program introduces fleet drivers to the dangers of operating a van or high profile vehicle. Anyone who operates a van, SUV, or light truck will benefit from the completion of this important high profile vehicle defensive driving program.

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The Inclement Weather SAFER Fleet Driver Training Program offers drivers the opportunity to learn specific techniques to reduce risk when driving in inclement weather. Drivers will learn how to adjust to changing visibility, road conditions, and hazardous weather. They will also gain a better understanding of how to manage their speed and braking in order to maintain control in less-than-perfect conditions.

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Golf Cart Safety Training Program

The Golf Cart & Utility Vehicle Safety Training Program course is a thought-provoking, self-paced online program that emphasizes the importance of maintaining a safe driving attitude and allows drivers the opportunity to explore the risks associated with operating a golf cart or utility vehicle.

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Customize Your Fleet Driver Training

NTSI is able to provide you with on-site training, train-the-trainer programs or online training to meet your budget. Course curriculum may be customized to meet your organization’s needs. We know that one size does not fit all, so we stand ready to meet the specific needs of training managers and students across the transportation sector.

Our training teams offer deep subject area expertise in safety and security topics. At NTSI we are always creating new content as transportation safety practices, rules, regulations and policies evolve.

Please contact us if you have special needs for your Fleet Training!

More Fleet Driver Training Programs

Are you looking for another fleet driving safety program? Take a look at our complete Fleet Driver Training Programs options.