Parent Responsibility



To enable parents who have made poor decisions learn better decision making skills while searching out long term solutions to improve parenting skills. It is not designed to be a longer term parenting class but instead is geared toward raising awareness levels of community resources for improved parenting skills.


  • Assist participants review parenting skills they were taught
  • To understand our value system and family leadership responsibilities
  • Assist participants in learning about improved communication and parenting skills
  • Learn about available follow up resources to search out additional resources where indicated
  • Development of personal commitment plan to avoid future parenting problems.

Consumer Base

The NTSI Parent Responsibility course is targeted toward parents who have been deemed to need to improve their parenting skills or learn more about resources for long-term parenting improvement. The course can be a valuable support tool for any parent who was with their children when an offense occurred that brought the parent into the criminal justice system.

For more information regarding this class, please contact NTSI at (800) 588-6874 or email at

Click here to sign up for a classroom course.