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Employers play a big role in preventing and promoting awareness about this serious issue. Since April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, now is an ideal time for employers to learn more, and take action.

Developing Safe Practice for Employers and WorkersWhy Is Distracted Driving a Problem?

Distracted Driving is a leading cause of death on American roads. More than ever before, devices and technology divert drivers’ attention from the road and minimize their ability to make safe decisions. It caused 3,522 deaths in 2021 alone, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

What Employers Can Do To Help

Employers can help reduce the number of distracted drivers by promoting awareness and helping employees prevent distractions. Use these practical ideas for inspiration:

  • Educate employees about the dangers
    Make sure your employees understand why it’s important to avoid distractions while driving. Share statistics and examples that put the issue in perspective and suggest safe ways to avoid common distractions.
  • Establish policies
    Create policies that prohibit employees from using common distractions like phones while driving for work-related purposes.
  • Provide incentives for safe driving
    Create rewards that incentivize employees to drive safely and avoid distractions while on the job. Make the process collaborative and continue to emphasize the importance of safety.
  • Use technology to monitor employee driving habits
    Use GPS tracking systems or other technologies to monitor employee driving habits.
  • Provide education resources
    Use resources like the National Traffic Safety Institute’s SAFER program to arm your employees with the tools they need.

By taking steps like these, employers can help promote awareness about distracted driving, and help their employees stay safe. This Distracted Driving Awareness Month, you and other employers can help American roads change for the better.