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Brake checking is a dangerous driving behavior that can lead to serious accidents and fatalities. It involves drivers slamming on their brakes with the intention of causing the unsuspecting driver behind them to take evasive action. This type of aggressive driving is illegal in many states and carries serious risks for those who engage in it.

Brake Checking is a Problem

Drivers resort to brake checking to show emotions such as annoyance or anger. It’s also used to intimidate others on the road. Unfortunately, this behavior rarely produces the desired effect. It can quickly escalate a stressful situation into a dangerous one. This can cause the drivers behind the brake checker to panic and drive dangerously, increasing the risk and severity of collisions.

The Solution: Take Action!

Brake checking is illegal in many states across the country and carries stiff penalties. Engaging in it could result in fines, license suspension or even jail time. Despite this, many drivers still take the risk. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 66% of traffic fatalities are caused by aggressive driving behaviors like this one.

It’s important to learn active steps to stay safe around drivers who are brake checking.

  • Drivers should remain aware of their surroundings and be prepared for any sudden changes in speed or direction from other vehicles around them.
  • If someone does engage in brake checking, it’s vital not to react aggressively. Instead, drivers should try to stay calm and drive safely away from the situation.
  • Drivers can use resources like the National Traffic Safety Institute’s SAFER program to arm themselves and others with the tools needed to stay safe and avoid dangerous driving.

By paying attention and refusing to engage in aggression, drivers can help make the roads safer and more peaceful for everyone.