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Distracted driving among young drivers has become a troubling trend. Cellphones, GPS systems, and other devices pull young drivers’ eyes and attention away from the road. The results are deadly. Distracted driving was responsible for 3,522 deaths in 2021 alone, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).


Distracted driving has many causes. Eating, drinking, talking to passengers, and adjusting the radio all cause distractions that threaten safe driving.

Cell phones are particularly dangerous. The NHTSA explains that sending or reading a text diverts attention from the road for 5 seconds. At 55 mph, that is equivalent to driving the length of an entire football field with a blindfold on.

And, while some young drivers understand the dangers of cellphone use behind the wheel, fewer realize that other devices like GPS systems can also cause distracted driving. Even hands-free technologies that use Bluetooth can distract drivers who use them to connect to social media.


Young drivers are especially susceptible to distracted driving because they lack the experience they need to accurately gauge their abilities. They tend to make risky decisions and overestimate their multi-tasking skills. Additionally, young drivers may feel pressured to focus on the social dynamics and conversations of their passengers instead of the road.

Studies show that young drivers who drive with distractions are also more likely to engage in other dangerous driving habits like speeding and running red lights.


Fortunately, there are steps that parents and guardians can take to prevent distracted driving:

  • Set ground rules about technology use while driving before allowing young drivers on the road.
  • Supervise young drivers as they learn.
  • Give positive reinforcement for safe behavior.
  • Use technology solutions that track driver behavior and alert parents when unsafe actions are detected.
  • Access resources like the National Traffic Safety Institute’s SAFER program that arm young drivers with the tools they need to make smart driving choices.
  • Educate young drivers about the risks associated with distracted driving.
  • Set a good example for young drivers as they learn.

By creating safe boundaries and cultivating better habits, parents and guardians can help make the roads safer for everyone, especially young drivers.

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