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For drivers, the season of road construction might be difficult. There are frequent delays, detours, and disturbances in construction zones. However, it’s important to keep in mind that these little inconveniences are critical for the long-term upkeep and safety of the roads. We as a defensive driving organization are dedicated to assisting you in securely navigating through these areas. Here are several pointers that are supported by recommendations from reliable authorities, such as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

1. Be Ready for the Unexpected

It’s possible for construction zones to change quickly and to have lower speed limits. Always be alert for sudden lane changes in traffic and workers who may be operating close to the road. Staying vigilant and being ready for unforeseen circumstances are essential for driving safely in road work zones.

2. Be patient

One of the best methods to protect safety in construction zones is to slow down. Respect the established speed restrictions and be aware that there may be steep penalties for doing so in work zones.

3. Pay attention and stay focused

Distractions like using a phone or switching music stations should be avoided. Focus on the road in front of you, keep an eye out for signs, and heed any flaggers’ instructions.

4. Maintain a distance

Keep a safe distance from other vehicles, employees, and machinery used in construction. Giving the car in front of you enough room is essential since traffic in construction zones can unexpectedly slow down or stop.

5. Develop your patience

Although delays can occur in construction zones, it’s crucial to be patient. Accidents can result from aggressive driving practices such tailgating and abrupt lane changes.

6. Make a travel plan

If you can, plan your travel in advance to avoid going through busy construction zones. As an alternative, leave early to lessen the danger of being stuck in traffic.

7. Adhere to the Laws

The NHTSA advises motorists to drive attentively, to adhere to posted speed limits, and to never drive while intoxicated. Construction zones require considerably more adherence to these regulations.

Keep in mind that construction areas are transient, and the employees’ goal is to make the roadways better and safer for everyone. With these pointers, you may move through construction zones with assurance and safety throughout the busy season for roads.

Stay safe out there!

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