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Drunk driving gets a lot of attention. But drug-impaired driving is a growing problem in the United States, and it’s just as dangerous. Drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, and methamphetamines impair coordination, judgment, and reaction times; all essentials for safety on the roads.

Driving while under the influence of drugs may be more common than you think. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration tracks over 400 drugs that impair a driver’s ability to safely operate a vehicle. In 2013-2014, the organization conducted a national roadside survey that found 24% of drivers tested positive for at least one drug. Of those drivers, 96% reported operating a vehicle after using marijuana.

Notably, the drugs that can cause impaired driving aren’t limited to illegal substances. They may also take the form of prescription medications and even some over-the-counter drugs. Any substance that affects your mental or physical abilities can cause unsafe driving. Remember that it’s important to read labels carefully and follow dosage instructions when taking any type of medication.

At NTSI, we promote safe driving practices through education so that our customers can stay safe. We encourage everyone to be aware of their medications and the ways they may affect their ability to drive safely. We recommend always planning ahead if you need to take any type of medication before getting behind the wheel. To learn more, check out our safe driving educational courses through our SAFER program.

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