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NTSI Fleet invites you to join us for an instructive and informative webinar on:

SAFER School Season
Fleet Drivers, Crisscrossing Kids, and School Buses – Oh My!

August 27, 2024 @ 10:30am PST

Grab your #2 pencils and join us to learn essential fleet defensive driving tips for the back-to-school season. Discover best practices for your drivers on navigating traffic around schools, crisscrossing kids, and school bus zones to maintain a SAFER driving environment for everyone on the road this fall.

Registration is free so sign up now and secure your spot as seats fill up FAST!

Join Principal NTSI Fleet Instructor Garret Heaton to:

  • Explore effective driving strategies for fleet drivers during the back-to-school rush
  • Learn how to help your drivers manage increased pedestrian activity
  • Optimize routes that intersect with schools and school bus stops
  • Implement SAFER driving practices for a secure and efficient fleet operation

Don’t miss this opportunity to boost your fleet’s driving safety—mark your calendars to ensure a SAFER start to the school season for your drivers and the kids!

Register Here

Stay safe!