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Greetings, Fleet Drivers and Halloween Heroes!

Halloween can be full of spooky surprises, but safety doesn’t have to be one of them! As fleet drivers, staying extra alert and making the roads SAFER during this holiday is critical—trick-or-treaters, decorations, and distractions are all part of the evening’s fun, but they can also pose risks to your fleet’s safety and performance.

Did you know that pedestrian fatalities increase by 43% on Halloween night compared to other nights of the year? Just like we discussed during Pedestrian Safety Month, it’s crucial for all drivers—from Fleet professionals to Soccer Dads—to stay vigilant for pedestrians, especially on Halloween, when children, many of whom will be wearing costumes that reduce visibility, are out in droves this All Hallows’ Eve.

Here are some Halloween Safety Tips tailored for fleet drivers to keep your team safe from the spookiness on October 31st:

👀 Watch for the Unexpected

Fleet drivers often cover routes that pass through residential areas, especially during delivery or service calls. Be mindful that Halloween brings out trick-or-treaters who may have limited visibility in costumes. Stay extra cautious near crosswalks and neighborhoods, and be prepared for sudden movements—children might run into the street without warning, especially in high-traffic zones.

🎃 Slow and Steady Wins the Night

Your fleet may be out servicing clients or making deliveries in neighborhoods filled with excited kids and Halloween decorations. Slowing down is crucial to avoid accidents, especially when visibility is compromised. Pedestrians are most at risk in low-speed residential areas, so use extra caution when navigating unfamiliar streets or areas with low lighting.

🚧 Avoid “Dead Ends”

While fleet drivers are used to efficient routing, on Halloween, avoiding narrow, poorly lit streets is smart. Choose well-lit, wider roads to reduce the risk of encountering high pedestrian traffic. This is especially important for larger fleet vehicles with limited visibility and larger blind spots.

🦇 Beware of Costumes and Masks

Masks and costumes can limit a pedestrian’s ability to see or hear, and increase distractions. As a fleet driver, stay extra alert near schools, community centers, and residential areas. Expect sudden dashes across the road and unpredictable movements.

🔦 Lights On for Safety

Encourage fleet drivers to turn on their headlights earlier in the evening, even before sunset, to boost visibility. Bright lights will help vehicles stand out, especially in busy neighborhoods where decorations and trick-or-treaters dominate the scene.

At NTSI Fleet, we’re committed to helping fleet drivers and managers navigate every season safely. Remember, safety is no trick—it’s a treat! Let’s make this Halloween a safe one for everyone on the road.

Stay safe, stay seen, and make sure the only thing you’re haunted by is your delivery schedule!

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