Employers play a big role in preventing and promoting awareness about this serious issue. Since April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, now is an ideal time for employers to learn…
You’re driving and your cellphone buzzes with a new text. It could be an urgent question from your mom. Or a follow-up from a company you recently interviewed with. Or…
With technology becoming ever-present in our lives, the attention of drivers is being pulled away from the road by their devices more than ever before. From GPS to sound systems…
Distracted driving among young drivers has become a troubling trend. Cellphones, GPS systems, and other devices pull young drivers’ eyes and attention away from the road. The results are deadly.…
Distracted driving killed over 3,000 people in the US—just in 2019. Countless more people were injured or otherwise impacted by this dangerous driving habit. Technology like cell phones and smartwatches…
Distractions have become ubiquitous in modern society, with all manner of technology demanding our attention at any given time. To this end, distracted driving is one of the leading causes…
Driving at a safe and consistent speed Is easily one of the most important road safety rules to follow, whether you are in inclement weather or not. Regardless of the…
Driving in heavy rain can be very dangerous to both your safety and the safety of your fellow drivers when on the road. It causes reduced visibility, can cut off…
Winter driving is already a tricky and dangerous affair without the right techniques, but driving in a hail storm can be especially daunting. These storms will pelt your vehicle with…