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As Super Bowl 2024 fever sweeps the nation, bringing with it thrilling plays and unforgettable halftime performances, there’s another important player we need to talk about: Impaired Driving.

Why Impaired Driving Is a Bigger Risk During the Super Bowl

The Super Bowl isn’t just a game; it’s a social event. Many of us attend parties where alcohol is as much a part of the event as the game itself. Unfortunately, this leads to a spike in impaired driving incidents. Super Bowl Sunday sees a significant increase in DUIs compared to other days.

Your Game Plan for Safety

  • Designate a Sober Driver: This MVP commits to staying sober and ensuring everyone gets home safely.
  • Utilize Ride-Sharing or Public Transportation: With apps like Uber and Lyft, a safe ride home is just a few taps away. Public transportation is also an excellent option in many areas.
  • Host Responsibly: If you’re hosting a Super Bowl party, offer non-alcoholic beverages and stop serving alcohol at the end of the third quarter. This mimics NFL stadiums’ approach to alcohol sales.
  • Know the Signs: Be aware of the signs of impairment in your friends and loved ones. If someone appears to be too impaired to drive, help them find a safe way home.

The Winning Play: Prevention and Awareness

The goal of this Super Bowl Sunday is to enjoy the game while keeping our roads safe. By planning ahead, choosing responsible drinking practices, and looking out for each other, we can all contribute to preventing impaired driving.

Remember, the best defense against impaired driving is a good offense of planning and awareness. Let’s make this Super Bowl Sunday memorable for all the right reasons.

Stay safe, and enjoy the game!

From your SAFER partner NTSI Fleet: The Leader in Driver Safety Training

NTSI is dedicated to elevating safety awareness for all, from the largest fleets to the smallest sedans. We’re committed to guiding drivers across the spectrum in making every journey safer and more responsible. With NTSI, you’re not just driving – you’re getting and setting the standard for road safety.