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Distracted driving killed over 3,000 people in the US—just in 2019. Countless more people were injured or otherwise impacted by this dangerous driving habit. Technology like cell phones and smartwatches have grown increasingly distracting. As a result, drivers must be diligent as ever to stay focused on the road.

To illustrate how common distracted driving is, we’ll take a look at some statistics. Then, we’ll consider real-life stories showing the heartbreaking consequences of distracted driving.


  • Over 320,000 people were injured in car accidents as a result of distracted driving in 2020.
  • Nearly 600 pedestrians and cyclists died in distracted driving car accidents in 2020.
  • The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety conducted a survey about distracted driving. They found that 87 percent of teens admit they know the risks of texting while driving. However, almost 50 percent of teens still text and drive anyway, regardless of the consequences.
  • On average, a person dies every hour because of cell phone use while driving.
  • Drivers 18–20 years old are three times more likely to use their phones while driving than those aged 21 plus.

Real-Life Stories

  • In 2020, a mom took her eyes off the road for five seconds to check her phone’s GPS. She accidentally swerved off the road, and her 10-year-old son died in the collision.
  • In 2016, a 19-year-old college student was distracted by her cellphone and ran a red light. She was killed in the crash, and two other teens were seriously injured.
  • In 2013, six teenagers were driving together, and one of the passengers reached for the backseat while clutching the wheel. Their SUV collided head-on with another car, and two passengers were killed in the crash.

These real-life stories illustrate the power of a few seconds. We may not think glancing at our phone or reaching into the backseat is dangerous. However, a quick loss in focus can have deadly consequences. So put the phone away, keep your eyes off the radio, and refuse to reach. Your commitment to focused driving could save lives.

To enhance your driving safety skills, check out our online SAFER driving course.

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