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You’re driving and your cellphone buzzes with a new text. It could be an urgent question from your mom. Or a follow-up from a company you recently interviewed with. Or an update from a friend who has been traveling all day. Either way, it’s incredibly important, and you feel like you can’t risk the cost of waiting to respond. And you’re a good driver, so something simple like looking away for a second shouldn’t be a big deal. But while checking your cellphone may seem simple, simple acts can still have devastating results. This is distracted driving.

Distracted driving in all forms can have life-altering consequences. It’s estimated that it causes over 3,000 deaths and 400,000 injuries annually in the United States. Due to the high cost, the legal and financial implications of distracted driving can be severe.

Legal Implications

While the legal implications of distracted driving vary by state, they typically include fines and points on your driver’s license. In some states, you can even face jail time for texting or otherwise being distracted while driving. Additionally, if you cause an accident while distracted, you can be liable for any damages or injuries.

Financial Implications

Along with the legal implications, there are plenty of financial implications. If you are found guilty of distracted driving, you will likely face hefty fines and court costs. You can also be responsible for any medical bills or property damage resulting from the accident. Furthermore, your insurance rates can increase significantly after being convicted of distracted driving.

5 Tips to Avoid Distracted Driving

To avoid the legal and financial implications, drivers should practice safe habits behind the wheel. NTSI recommends these five tips for safe driving:

  1. Put away cellphones and all other electronic devices before starting your vehicle
  2. Ask passengers to help with navigation or other tasks
  3. Pull over if you need to make a call or send a text message
  4. Avoid eating or drinking
  5. Properly secure children and pets before beginning your journey

By following these simple tips while behind the wheel, drivers can keep themselves and others safe on the road. If you want to learn more about protecting yourself while driving, check out NTSI’s SAFER driver programs! Stay focused and stay safe!

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