California DUI Classes Near You

Looking for DUI classes near you? NTSI offers a variety of State Approved DUI programs: 6 Week, 3 Month, 6 Month, 9 Month and 18 Month. Request an orientation today to find the DUI program that best fits your needs.

DUI Classes Near You


NTSI offers a variety of DUI programs near you designed for violators with a first or multiple driving offenses related to alcohol or other drugs. These educational DUI programs are 12 hours to 18 months in length, depending on individual requirements.

The DUI classes offer an intensive, individualized analytical and educational examination of the dangers and problems (both personal and social) of impaired driving. Addiction, the disease concept of alcoholism, family history of alcoholism, and denial are among the topics covered in the program.

NTSI Hours of Operation


  • Monday through Friday – 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Child Safety Restraint

The Child Passenger Safety Workshop is offered for people who have recently received a citation for improperly securing their children in a vehicle or for using a car seat improperly. The following are just a few of the things you’ll learn in class:

  • Facts about passenger side air bags and the dangers children face being exposed to air bags
  • How to protect your new born child in the car
  • Tips to help you decide what kind of car seat to purchase
  • When to stop using a car seat
  • General safety-seat check up tips

By following child passenger safety rules you reduce the potential for irreparable or fatal injuries in the event of a crash or accident while your vehicle is on the move. Educating yourself on safety measures is crucial to successfully reducing any danger for children.

About the course:

  • 3 hour long course
  • $45 fee (includes course and certificate)
  • Live classes offered in Spanish and English
  • Call (714) 285-4858 to Register
Please call our office to register for this course.

  • (714) 285-4858
Call to Register

Traffic Violator School

Got a traffic ticket in California? Even a small violation can leave a mark on your driving record and may lead to higher insurance premiums. Fortunately, you can keep your California ticket off your record by completing our course with the top-rated online California traffic school—helping you save money on your car insurance every month!

  • Pending California DMV Licensing – Our course will be available once we receive official approval.
  • Learn at Your Own Pace – Study anytime, anywhere.
  • Designed by Industry Experts – Get a top-quality learning experience when we launch.
  • Hassle-Free Certificate Delivery – Once approved, we’ll send your proof of completion directly to the DMV.

Business Hours

Monday through Friday – 9:00 am to 5:00 pm


525 Cabrillo Park Drive, STE 150
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 953-5200
(800) 347-6874

Pending California DMV Licensing.

  • License #EXXXX
Pending DMV Licensing


Jeffrey M. Chase, Ph.D., pioneered the concept of a defensive driving program for citation dismissal.  Founded in 1974, the National Traffic Safety Institute (NTSI) was the first program of its kind and remains the largest for-profit company and most innovative provider of collision prevention and driver safety programs in the U.S.


We offer easy, effective, and affordable driver safety courses both in classroom and online. Our classroom courses are available primarily on selected Saturday’s, with the occasional weeknight class in Vancouver, Washington and Albany, Oregon. Our online courses are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. NTSI courses are available in every state, Canada and Mexico. We have five regional centers, numerous certified instructors, and are court approved in most states.


Following our belief that Values + Attitude = Behavior, our innovative approach is anchored in teaching personal responsibility through an interactive curriculum focusing on behavior modification. We think drivers understand the importance of following safety standards and stress personal choice as a means of effecting a positive change in driving behavior.


Today, we conduct 3,500 classes per year and help 400,000 customers annually to become safer drivers. As the most established and respected collision prevention program, our programs have been the subject of numerous independent scientific studies that consistently prove that our approach to instruction significantly reduces collisions. NTSI provides instructional services to Fortune 500 companies and governmental entities through our Corporate Fleet Services Division. Since its beginning, NTSI has trained more than 100 million individuals to be safer drivers. Our classes are catered toward court diversion, insurance and point reduction, and employer requirement.